Your Go-to Resource for your Hobby and Passion for Learning Portuguese

Your Next Trip To Brazil Can Be Much More Enjoyable…

Once you get this little guide

If Brazil is in your sights as your next trip’s destination, you’ll want to have a great experience. And if you want to have a great experience, this guide will help you get just that.

You know, most people think — I’m going to travel only this time so why do I need to learn Brazilian Portuguese?

It’s like going to a museum with lots of abstract art and no guide and no preparation — you may find all very beautiful, but did you really enjoy your visit? Didn’t all “art” pass you by?

But you can experience that art (or, rather, my country, Brazil) in a much more enjoyable way… without committing too much time to the task.

Just like you can learn to appreciate works of art more if you’re given a guide and some prep work, you’ll have a much better time in Brazil if you pick up the phrases, sentences and expressions from this highly focused Brazilian Portuguese language guide for travelers.

While this short guide can’t help you speak fluently overnight, it will give you the foundation for a great trip in Brazil — at least you’ll be able to understand a few things in order food and perhaps even buy something.

So, if this sounds like a good idea, you can grab a free copy right now.

All you have to do is insert your email address and first name in the form below. You will receive a confirmation email from me — just to make sure you are a human being – and then you’ll receive your guide with a few extras.


But who are you? And why should I pay attention to what you say?

I am Eli, the blue-collar Brazilian Portuguese teacher. I’ve been working in this field for more than eight years now. I’ve helped many students who wanted to enjoy a short trip here Brazil… And many students who married Brazilians. All of them wanted to learn Portuguese to have a deeper connection with their new friends and family.

In the email I will send you all talk a little bit about how I can help you enjoy your trip and deepen your relationships with Brazilians. But right now, I know you have an upcoming trip to Brazil (or maybe a plan to come to Brazil) and I don’t want to take your time. Send for the guide right now. It’s yours for the asking.

What you will receive:

  • A written guide that you can print out and carry around with you before and during your trip. Unless you are a memory champion, chances are you’re apt to forget a few things here and there. Having a guide at hand will improve your confidence and give you the right tools at the right time, exactly when you need it.
  • An audio class in MP3 format. Even though the written guide will be more than enough most of the time, I want to make it easy and convenient for you. All you have to do is load it up on your mobile phone or MP3 player (does it still exist?) And listen to it whenever you have time – whether it’s walking or driving. It will help you reinforce what you learned from the written guide.

I don’t really need to hurry you up to grab this today.

You know when your trip is coming up, and you know the sooner you get started, the more confident you will be when you need that knowledge.

So, if this sounds like a good idea, all you need to do is to fill out the form below, confirm your email by clicking the button I’ll send, and I’ll give you your free guide.

Insert form

[Insert form again]

Portuguese With Eli4043 Rua Silveira MartinsSalvador, BA
