Your Go-to Resource for your Hobby and Passion for Learning Portuguese

Speak Better Brazilian Portuguese with a Skill Everyone Needs in Every Conversation

Since the 1980s opinion polls have been important in Brazil and other Latin American countries. And many citizens are eager to participate in them because they want their opinions to be heard.

But in the microsphere of everyday conversations, giving our opinions is just as important and common. And when speaking Portuguese it’s no different.

That said, we at Portuguese with Eli know how you value giving your opinions in Portuguese. But did you know that there are formulas and specific expressions Brazilians use every day?

Now you can use them as well. Because we are going to show you what they are and how to use them in our next webinar, Giving Your Opinions in Brazilian Portuguese.

In this webinar, you’re going to learn…

  • How to use the most common expressions to give you your opinion in Portuguese;
  • which topics make for better conversations, so you put your new skills to practice;
  • what are some common forums where Brazilians gather and discuss so you can fish for more expressions and common sentences.

Your host, Eli himself, going to bring you examples and exercises, and he’s going to give his opinion about a few topics so that you also have ready-made formulas and expressions to use in your next conversation.

You’ll be able to ask questions and make comments live. The webinar is going to be conducted in both English and Portuguese.

When: January, Friday 20th at 2 PM Brasília time (GMT-03)

Where: you can access the webinar on YouTube and Facebook.


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